Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Winter house work

A few pictures of work done on my house in December and January, 2008.

Sanding rough cut lumber at -10 F!

Lumber waiting to be installed inside.

Its destitnation, the end walls upstairs.

The finished board and baton and the windows all framed in. Only thing left to do is to put a finish coat on all of the wood besides the window framing. I'll do that this summer when I can open up the windows and ventilate.

Finished tongue and groove. The north room, my bedroom.

North room, west side.

Finally decided that I would sand the logs downstairs. There were some pretty rough spots and some discoloration/dirt/scuffs. I walled half the downstairs off with plastic. The sanding actually went pretty quickly with 50 grit sandpaper. I wasn't going for a baby-butt smooth surface. The most time was taken vacuuming up the dust. Yuck!

The 15 lb sander was a bear to handle.

Here you can see the big difference in the before and after.

More of the after.

Ready to go to the other half. Each half took a day.

Pretty snow covered trees outside my door.

Looking down my driveway.


Anonymous said...

I want one!
Great job on the sanding! Looks great! :)

Ed Plumb said...

dan--dude the cabin looks great. i want to check it out sometime.